Audio Review 16: Frostfire, written by Marc Platt (2007)
February 2007
– Maureen O’Brien The
Cinder – Keith Drinkel Story
Narration and other characters voiced by Maureen O’Brien
Main Production Credits
– Sharon Gosling Script
Editor – Alan Barnes Writer
– Marc Platt Director
– Mark J. Thompson Incidental
Music and Sound Design – Lawrence Oakley Recording
– Steve Tsoi at Sound Magic Studios Title
Music – Ron Grainer, Delia Derbyshire and the BBC Radiophonic Workshop TARDIS
Sounds – Brian Hodgson and the BBC Radiophonic Workshop Executive
Producers – Nicholas Briggs and Jason Haigh-Ellery
Summary (SPOILERS!):
In the ancient city of Carthage in 1164 BC, Lady Cressida
recalls a tale from her past. A past where she called herself Vicki and
travelled in time with the Doctor and Steven...
Vicki tells of an adventure when the Time travellers
arrived at London in 1814; during the last ever frost fair. While enjoying
their visit, they meet Jane Austen, and discover that an alien avian creature,
called the Phoenix is waiting to hatch and is draining all the heat out of
London. The Phoenix relies and feeds on heat to both grow and survive. However,
while it waits to hatch, the creature takes over people it can use as slaves to
help assist it to be born.
The Doctor and his companions become friends with Sir
Joseph Mallard, and witness his wife, the Lady Georgiana being taken over by
the Phoenix. The creature uses Lady Georgiana to use Sir Joseph Mallard in
order to gain access to the furnace of the Royal Mint, which Sir Joseph happens
to be the deputy warden of. The Phoenix hatches in the Royal Mint’s furnace,
but before it can escape and grow to threaten the whole of planet Earth, Jane
Austen helps the Doctor to jam the furnace shut. Once the Phoenix drains the
heat from the furnace, it dies from starvation.
Between The Time
Meddler (TV Serial) and The Suffering
(Big Finish audio).
Quite the dandy”, observed the Doctor, not entirely approvingly. Although I
noticed he hadn’t skimped on the velvet himself.’
I’ve always been curious about Big Finish’s Companion Chronicle range, but have,
until now, been rather hesitant in exploring them, in the fear that their
format, to have a Doctor Who
companion narrate a short story, with an almost non-existent supporting cast;
would be too basic for me to fully enjoy. I know this is practically the same
for Big Finish’s latest Doctor Who
audio range, Short Trips, but they
have a nice variety to them, and the short and sweet nature of the stories
ensure that never outstay their welcome with the listener. Listening to the Lost Stories release, Farewell Great Macedon, which I greatly
enjoyed, has certainly helped as a useful stepping stone in getting used to the
fairly one-handed audios of the Companion
Chronicles. They still take a good while getting used to, but I hope that I
can now appreciate their merits better. Having said that though, I’m very
familiar with narrated audio book readings, which I’ve enjoyed since childhood.
In regards to Doctor Who, I have many
fond memories of listening to audio cassette readings of The Curse of Peladon, Warriors of the Deep, Attack of the Cybermen
and Vengeance on Varos, narrated by
Jon Pertwee, Peter Davison and Colin Baker respectively. However, these were
abridged readings of more complex stories than what would seem to be on offer
Happily, Frostfire
lays some of my concerns to rest. Marc Platt creates a very imaginative and
romantically macabre tale in late Georgian London, frozen over and bitterly
cold, including an iced-up River Thames, around which the city’s last famous
‘frost fair’ is taking place. The setting alone is magnificent to imagine, and
the rich and evocative description conjures a thousand images, both picturesque
and unusual to what we modern users and visitors of London are used to seeing,
and the result is some glorious imagery that instantly sets the scene of this
wonderful tale. The story of an alien Phoenix-like bird that is waiting to
hatch, and lives entirely off heat, is a simple, but intriguing one. The threat
that it poses both to London and the Earth, by feeding and draining away the
heat from anything that holds it, just to satisfy the creature’s hunger, also
lends the story a layer of creepy atmosphere, which mixed with the period
detail, gives it the feel of a Victorian ghost story. This wonderful turn for
the macabre, also helps to engross the listener into the story as death and
danger very quickly surround our characters, and creates a palpable suspense that
continuously builds and doesn’t let up till the cliff-hanger of part one. The
perpetuating threat of the cold and the cold fire that the alien Phoenix uses
to both feed and create human slaves for itself, helps to maintain the
creature’s menace while it is still in its egg-form. The tense and sinister
atmosphere is also reinforced by some brilliant descriptive narrative passages,
particularly in part two as Vicki and Jane Austen hunt down the Phoenix egg in
St. Cuthbert’s Church, and come across dead churchgoers, frozen in prayer.
Sadly though, I feel that the main story was still too
basic to engross me for the full 67 minutes of the audio’s runtime. I don’t blame
Marc Platt though. The format is a difficult one and its clear Big Finish’s
writers will need time to get used to it too. The challenge is not to write a
story to fill sixty minutes, but to write a short or thirty minute story that
manages to keep its interest over the sixty minutes it will take to narrate it.
To be fair, Marc Platt does this very well. He takes time out halfway during
part one to illustrate to the audience the way society operated at that time in
history. It’s just that as an enthusiast of British history myself, I already
knew much of these details, and the appropriate Austen-isms that Marc Platt
uses; and being someone who actually finds the Georgian period one of the least
interesting eras of British history, these scenes didn’t particularly engage
me. Again, that’s not Platt’s fault, just personal preference. Marc Platt also,
rather ingeniously, tries to fill spare time in the audio’s duration by
bookending the beginning and end of the story with scenes set in Vicki’s
personal future, where she is relating the story in Ancient Carthage, decades
after leaving the Doctor at the end of The
Myth Makers. I actually really love these moments because they give
brilliant character development to the companion Vicki, who didn’t really
receive much of it during the character’s TV episodes, outside her introduction
in The Rescue (1965 TV Serial). We
hear how she has grown to accept her life amongst ancient Trojans, and settle
in with them, including how the Trojans once felt Vicki was cursed after
hearing her talk of her time with the Doctor. However, Platt also adds more
Carthage flash forward scenes at various points throughout the main storyline.
In contrast to the opening and closing Carthage scenes, these segments add
nothing to the narrated story and little more character development to Vicki,
so therefore amount to little more than padding. What also adds to the feeling
of padding is the fact that the Phoenix was really after Sir Joseph, rather
than Lady Georgiana, so a lot of the story focusing on her takeover feels
partly a waste of time also. So while I enjoy the ideas and storyline that Marc
Platt comes up with, I feel it wouldn’t have hurt the script if it was edited
closer to 50 minutes rather than 65 in duration.
The characterisation in Frostfire is generally quite good. The writing for Vicki is
particularly outstanding, exploring in detail her intimate thoughts and
feelings both throughout, and while recalling the adventure from her own
personal future. In fact, I think this is probably the best the character of
Vicki has been written for since The Time
Meddler (although I’ve yet to read Gareth Roberts’ version of Vicki in The Plotters), which is itself an
achievement, given how well-written most of the early 1960s Doctor Who companions were. Actually,
all the regular characters are brilliantly written by Marc Platt. Steven’s
over-protective and confident manner comes across nicely, and there’s even an
amusing moment when he is caught out as a terrible dancer, and gives Vicki an
annoyed glance, which I can easily imagine. The first Doctor is also very true
to character, taking delight in displaying his superior knowledge, as well as
taking credit for any deductions, even when they aren’t his! My favourite
moments that Marc Platt writes for him though are firstly his introduction to
Jane Austen, enthusing about her works excitably with admiration and amusement.
I can just picture his loveable high-pitched chuckling after making his joke
about Jane Austen having just punched a man to the ground. Furthermore, I also
loved the moment when the Doctor makes a sleight jibe at Steven for looking
like a dandy, when he was wearing a lot of Velvet himself, in a knowing in-joke
about his future third incarnation. Sadly though, the supporting characters do
leave a lot to be desired. While I welcome the appearance of Jane Austen in the
Doctor Who universe, I can’t help
thinking that her presence in Frostfire
is something of a gimmick. Her ability and skill in fisticuffs may be an
amusing oddity, but otherwise Jane Austen is written and used as merely a
friendly ally to the Doctor and his friends, who listens to their views and
troubles, and helps them out at convenient moments. Beyond the stereotypical
Austen-isms used in the dialogue, there isn’t really anything that I would
describe as an individual personality unlike the three regular characters of
the Doctor, Steven and Vicki. Maybe this perhaps because outside of her books,
we don’t really know anything about Jane Austen as a person, with a distinct
lack of any real biographical documents to call upon. Nevertheless, the kind,
wily and thoughtful character that Marc Platt does write for Jane Austen makes
her easy to like and warm to throughout the audio. The other supporting
characters though, are really quite generic and bland stereotypical period
characters that are difficult to care about, despite their plight. The only two
exceptions are Valzaki and the Cinder. Valzaki though, is just a one-note slimy
pantomime villain, and the Cinder, while satisfyingly malevolent, also fails to
add anything positive to the story. I suspect that generic supporting
characters are another symptom of the shorter and stricter format that the Companion Chronicles use, as the short
duration doesn’t seem to really allow for extensive character development.
Fortunately the audio is greatly bolstered, and made all
the more enjoyable by Maureen O’Brien’s superlative performance, both as Vicki
and as narrator. Her performance of Vicki here is one of the best the actress
has ever given. The character and feeling of Vicki are portrayed so vividly and
convincingly that for much of the first half of the story, I was completely
lost in the audio production, before the slowness of the plot started to have
any real effect on me. The narration is also performed with great enthusiasm
and dexterity, and draws the listener into the story with ease. However, while
O’Brien’s vocal portrayal of the male characters of the story is decent and passable,
they are understandably less convincing than her performance of the female
characters. Meanwhile, Keith Drinkel gives the Cinder a memorable gravelly and
rasping voice that helps give the character its menace. However, as the
character isn’t given much to do, or say, other than annoy Vicki, Drinkel
doesn’t get the opportunity to do anything more with it.
The post-production is rather minimal, but all the more effective
because of it. The sounds of creaking doors, a coal dust explosion in a
fireplace, and the tolling of the church bells of St. Cuthbert’s help create
and reinforce the eerie atmosphere that brings the audio to life, in ways that
many talking audio books fail to do. Lawrence Oakley’s music soundtrack, like
his sound design is also very minimalist, and perfectly evokes mid-1960s Doctor Who with simple melodies and solo
timpani/drum tracks which practically shout out 1960s stock music to the older
listener and knowledgeable Who fans
out there. Oakley is clearly someone who has done their homework on early 1960s
Doctor Who and has tried their best
in recreating the period.
Frostfire is
a highly imaginative and enjoyable audio adventure to start off Big Finish’s Doctor Who Companion Chronicle range on.
The macabre tone and the period setting that Marc Platt conjures up, prove to
be a magnificent combination that hooked me into the story early on.
Furthermore, Maureen O’Brien’s great reading and the consummate post-production
succeeds brilliantly in making the story come alive. However, the strict
simplicity of the new format means it’s very difficult to create a satisfying
well-rounded story. While Marc Platt gets round a lot of this with regards to
the clever setup in Ancient Carthage, and some detailed character development,
there is sadly a bit too much padding, and the generic supporting characters
failed to really interest me. By the end of the audio, the story seemed to have
been so slow that I was actually glad when it finally ended. Frostfire is a good start to the Companion Chronicles range, but the
format’s difficulties leaves me uncertain if I will continue to enjoy them, as
this was produced years before the successful compromise landed upon by Big
Finish’s Doctor Who Lost Stories
range in 2010 (to share the narration and characters between two or more
actors). Hornet’s Nest had similar
issues, although Paul Magrs seemed to get around them a bit easier.
I too just reviewed this and although you go into far greater detail, I have the same opinion